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The Question of Ethics in the Thought of Heidegger and Gadamer

Authors: Paweł Dybel Publisher: Kronos. Philosophical Journal Publication date: 2013 Publication language: Angielski Number of pages: 25 Publication formats: Category: Philosophy Publisher's index: - Bibliographic note: -


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Paweł Dybel

PAWEŁ DYBEL is a full professor at the Institute of Applied Social Sciences, University of Warsaw, and at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. His books include: Urwane ścieżki. Przybyszewski, Freud, Lacan [Broken Paths. Przybyszewski, Freud, Lacan] (Cracow 2001), Granice rozumienia i interpretacji. O hermeneutyce H.G. Gadamera [The Limits of Understanding and Interpretation. On the Hermeneutics of Hans‑George Gadamer] (Cracow 2004), Zagadka „drugiej płci” [The Mystery of the “Second Sex”] (Cracow 2006), Okruchy psychoanalizy [Splinters of Psychoanalysis] (Cracow 2009) and Oblicza hermeneutyki [Faces of Hermeneutics] (Cracow 2012).