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Materialist History of Ideas. Warsaw – Frankfurt – Paris

Autorzy: Piotr Graczyk Wydawnictwo: Kronos. Philosophical Journal Data wydania: 2013 Język publikacji: Angielski Liczba stron: 8 Formaty publikacji: Kategoria: Philosophy Indeks wydawcy: - Nota bibliograficzna: -


O autorach

Piotr Graczyk

PIOTR GRACZYK is a philosopher, translator, essayist and editor of “Kronos.” He teaches at the Institute of Culture, Jagiellonian University. He has translated works by Schelling, Heidegger, Lukács, Schmitt, Adorno, Taubes and Benjamin, and has written numerous essays on Brzozowski, Marx, Orwell, Kubrick, Simone Weil and Kafka. His texts appeared in the most renowned Polish journals, such as “Kronos,” “Znak,” “Przegląd Polityczny” and “Teksty Drugie.” His main fi eld of interest is the theological dialectics of European culture: the mutual tensions between philosophy, art, politics and religion.