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Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science

Publisher: Elsevier Science Publication date: 2018 Publication language: Angielski Number of pages: 188 EAN: 9780128162385 ISBN: 9780128162385 Category: Biochemistry Molecular biology Biophysics Publisher's index: 9780128162385 Bibliographic note: -


Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science, Volume 160 provides the most topical, informative and exciting monographs available on a wide variety of research topics related to prions, viruses, bacteria and eukaryotes. The series gives in-depth knowledge on the important molecular biological aspects of organismal physiology and function, along with insights on how this knowledge can be applied to understand and ameliorate human disease. This updated release covers Clinical Drugs in the Environment, Group I Intron Trans-Splicing, Adult Stem Cells on Regenerative Therapy, CRISPR in Animals and Animal Models, The Role of 3’–5’Exoribonucleases in RNA Degradation, and more.

  • Comprises 15-20 chapters, which allows substantial coverage on a given topic
  • Contains ample use of tables, diagrams, schemata, and color figures to enhance the reader's ability to rapidly grasp the information provided in each chapter
  • Provides a comprehensive guide to the latest information available on prions, viruses, bacteria, and eukaryotes