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Big Data Analytics Methods

Analytics Techniques in Data Mining, Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing

Authors: Peter Ghavami Publisher: De Gruyter Publication date: 2019 Publication language: Angielski Number of pages: 254 Publication formats: EAN: 9781547401581 ISBN: 9781547401581 Category: Databases Computer science Publisher's index: 9781547401581 Bibliographic note: -


Big Data Analytics Methods unveils secrets to advanced analytics techniques ranging from machine learning, random forest classifiers, predictive modeling, cluster analysis, natural language processing (NLP), Kalman filtering and ensembles of models for optimal accuracy of analysis and prediction. More than 100 analytics techniques and methods provide big data professionals, business intelligence professionals and citizen data scientists insight on how to overcome challenges and avoid common pitfalls and traps in data analytics.

The book offers solutions and tips on handling missing data, noisy and dirty data, error reduction and boosting signal to reduce noise. It discusses data visualization, prediction, optimization, artificial intelligence, regression analysis, the Cox hazard model and many analytics using case examples with applications in the healthcare, transportation, retail, telecommunication, consulting, manufacturing, energy and financial services industries. This book's state of the art treatment of advanced data analytics methods and important best practices will help readers succeed in data analytics.