'A magnificent achievement. A who's who of contemporary remote sensing have produced an engaging, wide-ranging and scholarly review of the field in...
Geographic Information Systems are an essential tool for analyzing and representing quantitative spatial data. Qualitative GIS explains the recent...
Doing Development Research is a comprehensive introduction to research in development studies, that provides thorough training for anyone carrying out...
Doing Ethnographies is an introductory and applied guide to ethnographic methods. It focuses on those methods - participant observation, interviewing...
Key Concepts and Techniques in GIS is a concise overview of the fundamental ideas that inform geographic information science. It provides detailed...
This book showcases the different ways in which contemporary forms of data analysis are being used in urban planning and management. It highlights the...
Książka zawiera rozważania na temat terytorium i terytorialnego wymiaru rozwoju. Opisano czynniki, które decydują o dynamice tego rozwoju oraz...