In recent years, the study of modern Chinese religions has developed into a highly innovative yet challenging field. One of the main reasons for this...
The three-volume project 'Concepts and Methods for the Study of Chinese Religions' presents a history of the study of Chinese religions. It evaluates...
Orthodox ecclesiology doctrinally and historically requires that all authority in the church be expressed by the bishop. The unity of authority, based...
This work explores the points of contact, as well as the differences between the distinct notions of divine embodiment developed by Maximos the...
From one of the leading scholars of Islam in the last century comes this exploration of Christianity and Islam. Right from the beginning Becker notes...
The present volume includes the papers of the first PRO ORIENTE Colloquium Syriacum, which took place in Salzburg, Austria and concentrated on the...
The Old Turkic Yenisei Inscriptions have been significantly less thoroughly investigated than the famous Orkhon Inscriptions, and many paleographical...
The three-volume project 'Concepts and Methods for the Study of Chinese Religions' is a timely review of the history of the study of Chinese religions...