Changes to energy behaviour — the role of people and organisations in energy production, use and efficiency — are critical to supporting a societal...
The Internet needs no introduction, and its significance today can hardly be exaggerated. Today, more people are more connected technologically...
Feminist Perspectives on Politics considers how feminist perspectives have considerably broadened the scope of what is considered 'political'. Themes...
How can we best analyse contemporary welfare state change? And how can we explain and understand the politics of it? This book contributes to these...
The bus is the most patronised of all land–based public passenger mode but is seen as a somewhat unglamorous means of supporting mobility and...
Książka stanowi forum przemyśleń w kwestiach, które znajdowały się w polu zainteresowań Jana Szczepańskiego: struktury społecznej i roli...
W książce na przykładzie diaspory asyryjsko-aramejskiej pokazano, jak funkcjonują mechanizmy tożsamości, w jaki sposób jest ona utrwalana, co działa...
Fully revised and updated, the second edition of the International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, first published in 2001, offers...
Wydawcy profesjonalni w Królestwie Polskim wobec programów upowszechniania i popularyzacji wiedzy na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Edycje i edytorzy...