Infrastructure Computer Vision delves into this field of computer science that works on enabling computers to see, identify, process images and...
Vulnerability Assessment of Physical Protection Systems guides the reader through the topic of physical security with a unique, detailed and...
W książce opisano dostępność transportową miast w województwie łódzkim, którą należy postrzegać jako miarę poziomu trudności osiągania danych miejsc...
This book covers in detail programs and technologies for converting traditionally landfilled solid wastes into energy through waste-to-energy projects...
One of the key challenges current biomaterials researchers face is identifying which of the dizzying number of highly specialized characterization...
Semiconductors and Semimetals has distinguished itself through the careful selection of well-known authors, editors, and contributors. Originally...
This new and improved edition focuses on providing practical information and tools that engineers can use to maximize the profitability and...
Written by Howard Curtis, Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Embry-Riddle University, Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students is a crucial text...
Multisensory Flavor Perception: From Fundamental Neuroscience Through to the Marketplace provides state-of-the-art coverage of the latest insights...
Integrating the Packaging and Product Experience in Food and Beverages: A Road-Map to Consumer Satisfaction focuses on the interrelationship between...