Studying Captive Animals outlines the methods that may be used to study the behaviour, welfare and ecology of animals living under the control of...
Meeting the need for an up-to-date and detailed primer on all aspects of the topic, this ready reference reflects the incredible expansion in the...
Wenn frisch gebackene Absolventen eines natur- oder ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studienganges in ihr erstes Wirtschaftsunternehmen kommen, landen sie...
Um ein biologisches Experiment richtig planen, durchf hren und auswerten zu k nnen, muss man ber fundierte Kenntnisse grundlegender mathematischer und...
Helps those that use cell preservation to develop new protocols or improve existing protocols This book provides readers with the tools needed to...
A comprehensive review of contemporary antisense oligonucleotides drugs and therapeutic principles, methods, applications, and research ...
A new, full-color, completely updated edition of the key practical guide to chemometrics This new edition of this practical guide on chemometrics...
The past 25 years has seen the emergence of a wealth of data suggesting that novel biological functions of known proteins play important roles in...